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Resources for Youth & Families

The Detroit Shoreway, Cudell, and Edgewater neighborhoods has abundant childcare and education options, in addition to many family-oriented programs and events.

The Youth Leadership Council is an opportunity for young leaders ages 14-19 to grow their skills and improve their community. Youth living in the Detroit Shoreway, Cudell and Edgewater neighborhoods serve on the YLC and receive a quarterly stipend. To learn more, email David Ramsey, MyCom Regional Coordinator, or call 216.961.4242 x242. This program is part of the MyCom Network.

Northwest Neighborhoods CDC is proud to partner with Y.O.U., a workforce development organization serving local teens and young adults ages 14-24. Since its founding in 1982, approximately 160,000 teens and young adults have obtained a job or internship through Y.O.U., earning about $60 million in salaries and stipends. Learn more about Y.O.U. and apply for jobs here.

Near West Recreation offers low-cost sports leagues and activities year-round to families on Cleveland’s Near West Side. Visit the Near West Recreation website or call 216.781.3222 x108 

TCT is an interactive professional theater developing and producing imaginative, original and collaborative works for children. Visit their website for more information and showtimes. 

CPT’s STEP (Student Theatre Enrichment Program) engages Cleveland teens from low-income families in a powerful intensive that focusing on excellence in performance, play creation, writing, production and set design/construction. Students earn money while learning and practicing valuable job skills, and perform free original performances in city parks each summer. Find out more information here.

Be sure to check out our events calendar to see what’s coming up next.

MyCom is a network of people who believe youth development is a direct path to healthy, safe communities for everyone. MyCom supports the Youth Leadership Council.

NWFN is a volunteer-inspired and volunteer-led organization of people who live in the near west and downtown neighborhoods of Cleveland and want to help the community thrive. NWFN offers programming events focused on children and families throughout the year. Learn more.

The Michael J. Zone Neighborhood Recreation & Resource Center offers indoor and outdoor activities and education year-round for all ages, including youth and seniors. Visit their website or call 216.664.3373 for more information on upcoming programming.

Every summer, the Capitol Theatre hosts a $1 Family Film Series. In addition, Bargain Monday film tickets are available for only $6, and matinee film screenings are also discounted. Visit the Capitol Theatre website for upcoming showtimes. 

NWT identifies as a grassroots, intergenerational theatre providing professional experiences with an emphasis on serving youth. Learn more about NWT programs. NWT also partners with Cleveland Opera Theater to provide its free, after-school Youth Chorus.

The LGBT Center in Detroit Shoreway provides safe space, meals and drop-in hours for youth ages 11 to 20 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3-7:30pm. The QYou initiative also includes discussions, art therapy, goal-setting and fun activities. The #PowerUpPowerOut leadership development program helps youth become advocates for disenfranchised populations in their communities. Learn more here.


Northwest Neighborhoods is the nonprofit provider of affordable housing and community development services for Cudell, Detroit Shoreway and Edgewater on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. As a community-led organization, we equitably foster diverse, vibrant neighborhoods that are physically and socially connected, where anyone can thrive.

Northwest Neighborhoods was formed in 2021 through a members-approved merger of Cudell Improvement, Inc. and Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization. 

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